Maisie's recall has sometimes been subject to selective deafness when there are interesting things going on, but now I am going to start believing we have cracked it! Not only did she, the other day at training, come when called off a mad romp with another new best friend she'd just made and snap straight into "work" mode, this then happened yesterday: We were out on one of our usual walks close to home and both dogs were running ahead along a path which opens out into a field. I saw them get to the field and Maisie flung herself down into herding/hunting postion - mad starey eyes, twitching, creeping, the lot. I looked round the corner and the field was full of heavily in-lamb sheep!! (In my defence, this field has never, in years, had any animals on it before.) Billy's not as herdy but was also looking pretty interested. I whistled ... they both whizzed round and galloped back full-pelt, not a second's hesitation, not a single sheep slightly perturbed. Good dogs!!!!!
Well done Kirsty!!! Bless those good dogs. x