Thursday 16 April 2009

Easter Weekend

We had a lovely weekend at the Dog Vegas show. Camping was fun and we were very snug in our little tent. The show was lovely and well-run and everyone had a super time. Maisie showed some real positives - driving on through straight bits, good control and not a pole down all weekend! Contacts were OK, though still a bit creeping, but we were let down by weaves a few times. She has great weaves when her energy is high, but she does soon lose enthusiasm and a bit of confidence when she gets tired - we would've had a further three clear rounds, I think, if she'd not slouched out of the weaves each time, so we really need to work on that. Despite that though, she notched up a couple of unplaced clears, a tenth place in Jumping, and a Fourth in Agility - YAY!!!! Very pleased with that tally, and she enjoyed it all and her confidence around people continued. Good fluffy girl! There were plenty of other great results from clubmates and friends too.

& then this happened:

Tim joined us! He came from a Welsh sheep farm, via the lovely folks at Many Tears Animal Rescue, and he is a little love - a 10-month old bundle of total collie-ness.
Billy & Maisie have both been great so far in helping him to settle into his new life. Maise thinks he's a brilliant toy and they've been playing like crazy. Billy thinks he's really quite pesky but has been very tolerant and gentle and has been getting extra cuddles for being a good lad.
Chaos reigns - there's a collie in the house!


  1. He is so pretty!! Real foxy like the Welsh collie I had years ago. Lucky boy! x

  2. Couple of sites you might enjoy looking at :-) &

  3. Thanks Suzanne. I just searched and came across these websites last night actually - got wondering, like you do! As Tim is an upright-working dog, and like a BC on acid, I think he's defo a Welsh Sheepdog! He made a strange yodelling sound yesterday - not sure whether that's a breed thing, or he's just deranged?! ;o)

    He is really foxy Dani, down to the white tip to his tail. I hope he doesn't get hunted!! Would love to see pics of yours if you have any.

