Monday, 6 July 2009


The carefully made plans of this weekend went wonky when the car broke down in a major way meaning poor Billy missed his flyball on Sunday :o(
Maisie had her agility at Barrow though and was mostly a good girly as usual. She did what felt like a nice fast agility run for her though it was an unplaced clear, then later got a 12th place on what was a much slower run with a long pause for admiring the scenery from the top of the A-frame. Hey ho! Mostly good I say because she was really out for the laughs - flinging herself down for a mad roll on the grass in the middle of one run, having a footspa on the startline in another, and then - well, err, this one was my fault - mis-timing a front cross and flapping my hand into a wing knocking it over, doh! She's doing really well though and I think we're becoming a more confident, if sometimes chaotic, partnership :o)
Really nice time overall and some fab performances from Sara and Tilly - 3rd in grade 1 jumping!! & another good place in a 1-3 class, and Helen & Lucy had some brilliant bits including one fantastic sooooo nearly clear, till the last pole came down - arrrrg!


  1. Bless Maisy Mouse!! She does have a double that has been at the last few shows I've been at. Will take sneaky photo next time to show you!!

  2. Ooo would love to see a Maisie double Dani :o) The nearest I ever see to her are full German Shepherds literally twice her size!! Saw one the other day that looked so similar (though black/tan) she could've been her mum!
