Sunday, 31 January 2010


NAWS Jan: One of those days when the rosettes somehow feel like they under-reflect the dogs' performances ... ;-)

First up was Maisie in her jumping - first run was amazing - sooo zoomy, so much so she scoffed in the face of a bungled front cross and bogged off into the yonder, E'd! Second run she was still pretty fast and did a super clear - someone complimented her perfect efficient line through the flick-flack :) It's a shame she was just off the places as she ran as fast as she possibly could and her turns were super, so that's more than good enough. Often people comment on how fast she ran and she must've got a good place, but I know she can look faster than she is - that 'ickle scampering stride! Wouldn't change a hair on her fluffy body for the world though!!

Then Tim's jumping - oh my gosh, his first run felt wonderful - a couple of very minor errors, but so nearly WOW!!!! Then second run was good too but he went off on a bit of a wiggly-wagger at the scribe, lol!

Maisie's agility runs were also really nice. Pole down in first run and held her contacts for yonks in both runs and gave her a cuddle on the dogwalk contact (she just looked like she needed one!) and she boogied on over both A-frame and dogwalk beautifully both times so that felt like a good investment of her runs.

Tim's agility runs were both respectable too - all long straight lines so not easy for us, but he's sending on more and more as his confidence grows and he is loving his game and rapidly growing up into an Agility Dog.

Exciting times :-D

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

The fields are green!

Finally got a pretty pic of the girl with her trophy :o)

Thank goodness the snow has almost gone at last this past couple of days. I must be getting grown-up and boring coz I've never wished snow away before, but it has gone on so long and casued so much disruption, not to mention loss of earnings. There are still odd patches in the hollows and by walls and so Maisie is still taking the opportunity to seek them out for a good snowy roll!

I've been working with Tim this week on getting a really good dynamic 'wait' and he will now stop and wait at a good distance whilst I throw his toy the other way and then he'll 'ready' bouncing in anticipation but without breaking till I say 'OK'. That takes a lot of self-control for him and he so tries to please, he's a good boy! I'd like to work on it more on the startline and maybe to be able to throw his toy whilst he's coming down/stopped on his contacts, and then release him to it. Fingers, toes and paws crossed we will get to train this week!..

& Billy's news - well, after much agonising, I've decided to not put him forward for flyball teams this year. It's just been too much trying to commit to both flyball and agility - and train at least weekly for both - so I'm just going to take him to training when we can make it but not every week, though we will be available if cover is needed in a team sometime. He is very easy to fit into a team if needed as he'll run anywhere. I still feel a little guilty but also think there's no need to really as he seems to enjoy the training as much as tournaments - rosettes are really for humans after all! And he's a dog who just knows how to enjoy life 100% anyway, with or without an organised sport. I so love that Billydog :o)

Just made an apple and blackberry pie so off to eat a big hunk of it now - except it turned out to be apple and raspberry when the 'blackberries' thawed ... I'm sure it will be delicious anyway, yummm :o)

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

HRH MM ...

... is far too important these days to pose with a mere trophy. Here's her response to being asked:

It's a beautiful trophy but hellishly difficult to photograph well. Will try again later ;o)

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Amazing Maisie Mouse is a STAR!!!

OK it's only 'ickle but it's Maisie's first ever agility trophy :o) It's for finishing 10th in Grade 1 in the DARLeague with 706 points. Many of the dogs who finished above her have moved up the grades so she's one of the highest to still be in gr1. It qualifies her for the Finals in July. Woooooooooo! Reeeeally looking forward to that!!!......
Here's a duff pic of her rosette collection for the year. She looks disgruntled coz I picked her up from a royal snooze to pose :o)

And then something else super brill happened - she WON the SupaDARL 'Dog of the Year' title!!!!!!!!!!!! This is such an honour - it's for the dog from all the grades who has made most progress in the year from a difficult past, etc. Awwww, so very very very proud of her!! She really is an amazing little fluffy girl :o) Another trophy to follow!... Agility has done her so much good and every single person she's ever come across in agility has been kind and patient with her - from our lovely clubmates and trainers to, for example, lead-movers at shows who I've sometimes asked to not walk up behnd her on the startline - everyone has shown consideration and kindness and helped her confidence blossom. The Mouse sez "ta!!!" x

Was going to take a pic of Billy too with his flyball stuff from the year but he's stomped off upstairs ...
We're still very snowbound. Wilmslow show called off yesterday, boohoo. Here's some more fun in the snow instead: