Sunday, 10 January 2010

Amazing Maisie Mouse is a STAR!!!

OK it's only 'ickle but it's Maisie's first ever agility trophy :o) It's for finishing 10th in Grade 1 in the DARLeague with 706 points. Many of the dogs who finished above her have moved up the grades so she's one of the highest to still be in gr1. It qualifies her for the Finals in July. Woooooooooo! Reeeeally looking forward to that!!!......
Here's a duff pic of her rosette collection for the year. She looks disgruntled coz I picked her up from a royal snooze to pose :o)

And then something else super brill happened - she WON the SupaDARL 'Dog of the Year' title!!!!!!!!!!!! This is such an honour - it's for the dog from all the grades who has made most progress in the year from a difficult past, etc. Awwww, so very very very proud of her!! She really is an amazing little fluffy girl :o) Another trophy to follow!... Agility has done her so much good and every single person she's ever come across in agility has been kind and patient with her - from our lovely clubmates and trainers to, for example, lead-movers at shows who I've sometimes asked to not walk up behnd her on the startline - everyone has shown consideration and kindness and helped her confidence blossom. The Mouse sez "ta!!!" x

Was going to take a pic of Billy too with his flyball stuff from the year but he's stomped off upstairs ...
We're still very snowbound. Wilmslow show called off yesterday, boohoo. Here's some more fun in the snow instead:

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous snow pics, and a lot of rosettes!! You must be very proud. xx
